Culture and Heritage

Panama´s ethnic diversity is reflected in the arts, music, dance, cuisine and traditional products such as woodcarvings, ceremonial masks, pottery, woven baskets, architecture and festivals.   

Panamanian culture is a hybrid of African, Native Panamanian and European culture, for example the tamborito is a Spanish dance blended with Native American rhythms and dance moves.  

Literature: the first manifestations of literature written in Panama come from the 17th century with the title of "Llanto de Panamá a la muerte de don Enrique Enríquez" (Crying from Panama at the Death of Don Enrique Enríquez); although this anthology was formed during the Colony, most of the poems in it were written by authors born in Panama.

Museums: The best overview of Panamanian culture is found in the Museum of the Panamanian in Panama City, the Museum of Natural Science, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of the Interoceanic Canal.

Cultural sites: “Casco Antiguo”, this old city of Panama is undergoing restoration and is the site of great historical and architectural importance, there the visitor can see buildings with colonial, French, neoclassic and African architecture.